Acceptance essay for college
Essay Topics Antichrist Nietzsche
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Girl with Kaleidoscope Eyes free essay sample
I was six years of age and totally free, turning underneath the sweltering Maryland sun. Arms loosened up, palms went to the sky as though they could get the light and hold it for eternity. Eyes shut, cheeks flushed pink, hair glimmering with features of red and gold from the brilliant sun. All around and round, the sky spun like a kaleidoscope above me. I crumbled to the ground and watched the sky keep on turning, jerky and easing back, as though it were a toy I had broken. The grass was heated gold and thorny against the exposed skin of my arms. I was never a nursery blossom; my petals werent handily torn. Exchanging my underlying foundations into new soil was no issue, and infections were brief. I ran exposed footed through red soil and green grass and let the sun gradually change the shade of my skin. I got frogs and butterflies in my grasp yet ran from the imploring mantis that collapsed its religious administrator robe arms on my grandmas patio. We will compose a custom paper test on Young lady with Kaleidoscope Eyes or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I ran in a cotton sundress through the warmth of the mid year day, giggling, and tasted the delicate, sweet nectar of honeysuckle that remaining parts my meaning of mid year. You couldnt unsettle me, at that point, with anything. I was strong and sure and certain, a tough little wildflower developing among thistles she was unable to see. There was a rooftop over my head and food and love, and nothing could change what I had. Is it clever, at that point, that I appeared to develop increasingly fragile as the years passed? That I lost some piece of that wildflower kid in the upsetting demonstration of growing up? That when I was 17 and remained in that identical spot, I couldnt turn however just stand, more grounded here and there, more vulnerable in others, and continually tormented with the threat of wars and governmental issues that just dubiously concern me. On that day I understood with a glimmer of agony that I was not, at this point six. Dissolving colored pencils and tangled hair had should have been changed, supplanted. The cross around my neck may represent my confidence, however it hurt to realize that it could never be so basic, so guiltless, so unquestioning again. It took me such a long time on that cool October day, underneath the Maryland sun to start (so gradually) to turn. Kaleidoscope dusk skies liquefied with the emerald green of treetops until everything I could hear was the Beatles playing in my mind, warbling endlessly about pools of distress and influxes of delight. Each turn appeared to take 60 minutes, a day, a year to finish. The sky above spun gradually, and the ground underneath plunged and rose again with each progression, soothing and recognizable and as much a piece of me as the bottoms of my feet, this land I had strolled so often. Returning appeared, at that time, to be the main answer I expected to the inquiries Id been posing to myself all year. With the exception of the niggling truth that they don't addressed anything, that there was no information I picked up from turning in a similar spot, similarly, as I had when I was six. I know as meager about myself now as I did at that point. Possibly less. Yet, as I crumbled to the ground, my mutts face approaching above me in a quiet, inquisitive inquiry of â€Å"Why, precisely, are you on the ground?†I understood that there was nothing about myself I truly expected to retain. Not yet. Not at seventeen.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Did Jane Austen intend Henry Tilney to be a traditional hero Essay Example
Did Jane Austen mean Henry Tilney to be a conventional legend Essay Example Did Jane Austen mean Henry Tilney to be a conventional legend Paper Did Jane Austen mean Henry Tilney to be a conventional legend Paper Paper Topic: Writing A conventional Gothic epic for the most part requires the jobs of a legend and a lowlife. Northanger Abbey is Gothic in sort, yet Jane Austen is additionally deriding the Gothic kind. It is conceivable that she doesnt need a run of the mill saint or lowlife. The word reference characterizes a scalawag as: An individual liable or fit for incredible fiendishness, fraud; character in a play whose malicious activities or intentions are significant in the plot. General Tilneys spouse kicked the bucket of an ailment preceding the beginning of the novel, leaving the General a single man. General Tilney is a dad of three, he has two children and a girl. It is the oldest child, Frederick, who is most similar to the General. The other two youngsters, Henry and Eleanor, are not so much like their dad by any stretch of the imagination. Frederick and the General both have maritime status, they are similar in profession design. They are additionally indistinguishable in character. General Tilney is incredibly pretentious, which implies he has a high assessment of himself or is self important. A case of this is the point at which he discovers that Catherine isn't a beneficiary. Jane Austen depicts him as: Enraged with nearly everyone on the planet however himself. The General is additionally shallow and deceptive, which is demonstrated when Eleanor makes a decent marriage and Jane Austen discloses to us that never had the General adored his little girl so well in the entirety of her long periods of friendship, utility and patient perseverance, as when he initially hailed her Your Ladyship! The General is likewise introduced as a remorseless and coldhearted man. This is indicated best when he everything except tosses Catherine out with no cash or hireling to go with her. He gives her a carriage which makes her endure the social outrage of getting back in an open vehicle which would have been wrong in the time in which the novel was set. Additionally she didn't get a decision of the time she was to leave and Eleanor had to disclose to her that she needed to leave, revealing to her that: Tomorrow morning is fixed for your leaving us, and not even the hour is left to your decision; the very carriage is requested, and will be here at seven oclock, and no worker will be offered you. The General has constrained judgment, which is appeared by the straightforwardness with which he trusts John Thorpes lies about Catherine being a beneficiary. General Tilney is a covetous man. A case of this is his consolation of a decent connection among Catherine and Henry while he trusts Catherine is a beneficiary. When discussing the morning meal set, in the wake of referencing that he had seen some more that he would have gotten a kick out of the chance to purchase, Jane Austen says of the General that: He trusted, in any case, that an open door may ere long happen of choosing one-however not for himself, proposing that he trusted Catherine and Henry may get hitched and that she may give it. He is demonstrated to be narrow minded by his craving for his youngsters to make great relationships for his own finishes, paying little heed to their own bliss. Taking a gander at the adverse character qualities over that are typically expected to make someone a scoundrel and the contrary character characteristics that the General has, it is effortlessly observed that General Tilney isn't a lowlife. General Tilney is just a miscreant according to Catherine who becomes persuaded that the General had slaughtered his significant other who, truly, had kicked the bucket of a genuine disease. General Tilney doesnt truly influence the plot, as Catherine and Henry get together in any case, which a miscreant would. Albeit General Tilney isn't a charming character and is narrow minded, gaudy, voracious, shallow and harsh, he isn't shrewd and isn't a reprobate. The word reference characterizes a saint as A man respected for accomplishments and honorable characteristics. Boss male character in a sonnet, play or story. A common legend in a Gothic tale would be attractive, he would spare the young ladies life and steal her away into the nightfall. He would likewise show other chivalrous characteristics, for example, being fantastically solid and valiant.. Jane Austen clarifies that Henry Tilney is none of these things. He is portrayed in the presentation as less running and attractive than his sibling and no secret joins to his introduction to the world. Henry could be portrayed as a screw-up. Anyway Henry is the finished complexity to his dad. Henry has an inconspicuous way and is very clever. Henrys mind is some of the time startling and peculiar, for instance his insight into muslin: But then you know madam that muslin consistently goes to some record or other Henry has an entire discussion on muslins with Mrs Allen and Catherine nearly calls him bizarre along these lines. In the novel, Henry is regularly a wellspring of cleverness, particularly in his prodding Catherine about her Gothic dreams, which he did a great deal on their excursion to Northanger Abbey. Henry teasingly asks Catherine And would you say you are set up to experience all the detestations that a structure, for example, what one finds out about may deliver? - Have you a heavy heart? - Nerves fit for sliding boards and embroidered artwork? He has solid standards and trustworthiness. In the event that someone has respectability they are a man or lady of their assertion. Henry shows his honesty in his relationship with Catherine he feels himself bound as much in respect as in friendship to Miss Morland. Despite the fact that his dad restricted it, Henry came back to Catherine in Fullerton, so he is very sentimental. Henry takes his expert obligations, in Woodston, genuinely the commitment of his clergyman at Woodston obliging him to leave them. Henrys character has for the most part great characteristics. Anyway it contradicts itself in that he is uncommon, for instance he says I have no persistence with such of my sex as scorn to let themselves now and again down to the per ception of yours. This implies he has no tolerance for men who dont get ladies, which would have been irregular at that point. He is appeared as normal, when he visited Catherine in Fullerton, he sat, most commonly noting all Mrs Morlands regular comments about the climate and streets. However, saints are phenomenal and that, Henry isn't. Henry isn't a saint, he is excessively odd and tamed to be a customary legend. For instance, Henry says to Catherine when he realizes that she will visit him at Woodston, I should proceed to set up a feast for you no doubt. This shows he is tamed, as most men in those occasions would not have pondered the cooking. Be that as it may, Henry is the nearest thing to a legend in the novel. Henry could, be that as it may, be confused with a legend as a result of his sentimental side and his coming back to Catherine.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Shuttle Wagons Project Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Transport Wagons Project Plan - Essay Example After consummation, the passage is intended to join the United Kingdom and France. It will be the longest submerged passage in the entire world with a complete length of 50 kilometers. The passage is inalienably a rail transport framework, which will empower Eurotunnel, to profit a plunge on transport administration for the ordinary street vehicles between the two terminals. Venture foundation Eurotunnel contracted TransManche Link (TML) for the structure of the channel burrow. TML then subcontracted diverse move stun fabricates for the structures of the Shuttle Wagons. The venture had a tight timescale and had overwhelming sold harms that were related with the postponements. This paper takes a gander at the plan and the assembling of the vehicle vehicles called the Shuttle Wagons. The main portion of the traveler transports involves a train, twelve single deck wagons for the mentors, the off-stacked wagon, and a loader wagon. The other half is involved a comparative structure howeve r has a two-level arrangement of wagons for vehicles. Each single deck is intended to convey a mentor while the twofold deck wagons are intended to convey a limit of five vehicles in each deck, which means ten out of a solitary wagon (Harris, 2006 p32). The wagons were intended to encase the travelers in the vehicles giving an imperviousness to fire to thirty minutes. The purpose behind this structure was that the excursion starting with one terminal then onto the next takes around five minutes. In the event that, by some coincidence, a fire began at the time the bus enters the passage, the fire would be contained up to the time the bus will arrive at the opposite finish of the passage. The strategy of keeping the travelers in the van until the wagon arrived at its goal empowers any remaining occurrence to be managed in the extraordinarily structured crisis siding (Harris, 2006 p67). There was the need to have a drive on and off framework that necessary the unhindered access to the whole length of the twelve wagon units during the stacking and the emptying procedure. The structure idea likewise required every wagon to act naturally contained with a fire opposing walled in area for the entire excursion; it was fundamental to have fire shades toward the finish of every wagon. Distinguishing proof of undertaking the board related issues The structure parameters turned into a test and needed to guarantee that there is least bulge into the wagon by and by. The structure likewise needed to consolidate go entryways through which travelers were relied upon to clear in the event of crises like a fire episode, it has at least 30 minutes of imperviousness to fire and could withstand the weight system of the bus going along the passage. The shades additionally needed to have a base spillage rate to keep up the least fire stifling centralization of Halon inside the Wagon (Harris, 2006 p67). The significant parts of the plan activity and development of the channel burrow re quired the endorsement of the intergovernmental commission. The significant center, toward the start of the undertaking, was on the wellbeing, security, safeguard, and the natural issues. This shows from the start the plan parameters were not sure during the planning stage (Harris, 2006 p45). Halfway in the center of the undertaking, it became risen that the structure changes
Monday, June 8, 2020
Homework Help How to Study When You Literally Can’t Even
It happens all the time. You need to study, but your brain is so tired it’s numb, or a little voice in your head is chirping at you to watch a movie or spend time watching Youtube videos of goats. Anything instead of study! But your test is tomorrow, or you have something due soon, so how do you force yourself to focus? As a homework tutor for middle school kids in NYC, I encounter this problem a lot, but these methods work for students of all ages. Here are some tricks that I have found to work the best: 1. Reward yourself Peppermint bark chocolate works for me. I reward myself with small bites when I get through a particular chapter or series of problems. Having something to look forward to helps get you through the most tedious part. Small bites of chocolate keep me interested in what I am reading or studying and makes it more worthwhile to study. 2. Bartering This is especially important when you have something very specific in mind that you want to be doing instead of studying. So watch 10 minutes of Netflix for every chapter you get through. Catch 15 minutes of that baseball game for every problem set you solve. Bargain with yourself to force your tired or bored brain to study until you get to take a break. 3. Mnemonics can be fun Word associations can perk up your bored brain and make learning a little more exciting. The more outrageous they are the more memorable they can be. My chemistry teacher in high school made us remember the ICE method of equilibrium calculations by dancing to a Vanilla Ice song. â€Å"Ice Ice Baby†starts playing in my head whenever I remember these equations. 4. Isolate yourself This is for when there is a very serious time crunch. Putting yourself physically out of reach of every possible form of temptation can be useful. The stacks in a library are a great place to force yourself to focus for long periods of time. Take a snack and a bottle of water with you so you do not have to leave. 5. Writing down what you learn This is useful to reinforce what you know. Also, the fifth time you write down that sentence you cannot make sense of, it may magically start to have a meaning. Writing things (or typing them) is a useful step and can play into step #6 as well. 6. Make outlines! Outlines or overviews can help reinforce the most important concepts which can be useful when you have a lot to memorize. The best part about this technique is that it saves a lot of time and energy when you go back to study later, which is a strong incentive to put time in to make a summary/overview now. 7. Group study This is a bit tricky. You need to pick people who will be committed to studying and unresponsive to distraction. It can be a useful way to check back on what you have learned and catch up on what you have missed. Any of these techniques can help motivate you on those days when you are tired or overwhelmed and have a hard time focusing on work. If you’re still having trouble coping with your workload, though, consider Cambridge Coaching. Our expert homework tutors and academic coaches in NYC, Boston, and online can work with students from elementary and middle school all the way through postgraduate work. Let us help you today! For more relevant reading, check out these other blog posts, written by our study help tutors:Middle School Time Management Tips, Getting the Most from Academic Tutoring, and The Power of Mnemonics Devices. ;
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Essay on Racism in the Media Misrepresentation of Minorities
Misrepresentation of different cultures by the media The definition of race is often based on physical characteristics such as skin color, hair texture and eye shape. Race is both a set of genetically defined biological characteristics and culturally defined characteristics. One influence on culture is the media and the media have a huge influence on the way different races are viewed by society. The media consists of communication devices and some media forms include television, newspapers, magazines, film and radio. Misrepresent can be defined as to give a false or misleading representation with an intent to deceive or be unfair. The United States is one of, if not the most, diverse nations in the world. It is often described as a†¦show more content†¦Another problem is these television shows may be the only interaction an audience may have with a particular race or ethnic group. This primarily affects children. Young children are extremely easy to influence and spend hours in front of the television. When children are exposed to only one race, they develop prejudices and bias towards other ethnicities. This misrepresentation of races of television shows may cause children to become close minded and prejudiced. One of the longest running and most popular television shows, The Simpsons, is full of minority stereotypes. Several ethnic groups in this show are misrepresented, but Indians are stereotyped the most in The Simpsons. Some of the Indian stereotypes include that the convenience store worker is Hindu and is named Apu and has a stereotypical Indian last name, Nahasapeemapetilan. Here, writers are saying that all people of Indian descent work in convenience stores and practice Hinduism as their religion. Another television series which stereotypes a race is The Sopranos. In the Sopranos, the main character Tony Soprano, an Italian American, is the head of an organized crime family. They are stereotyping that all Italian Americans are involved in organized crime. The television show Growing Up Gotti is also about an organized crime family and also stereotypes Italian Americans in thisShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem The First Cities 1694 Words  | 7 Pages​Miss representation is a documentary film directed, written and produced by Jennifer Siebel Newson. The film focus of the representation of women of mainstream media in such a way that if portrays a very wrong picture for the sake of desired results. The film was premiered at Sundance film festival of 2011. ​The matter with standard media: It conditions men to consider ladies sexual items, it trivializes them, and it regards them as articles, so that for enough men, a motion picture like The WomanRead MoreThe Bad Image Of Black Athlete1522 Words  | 7 PagesThe bad image of black athlete is one of the most important problems today. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Baron Eq2.0 Is Designed Measure Emotional Intelligence Essay
The following table is titled BarOn EQ2.0 Results. The BarOn EQ2.0 is designed to measure emotional intelligence. The following table displays the total EQi 2.0 score, the composite scores, and content scores (each score delves deeper into specific details regarding one’s results). The table is to read from left to right. A score of 0 to 90 is considered a low range, a score of 90-110 would be considered mid range, and finally a score of 110 to 140 would be considered the high range. The total score of 89 is a result of the average of all my scores, this would be considered the low range, just below the mid range area. BarOn EQ2.0 Results Table 1. BarOn EQ2.0 EI Results Total EI 89 Self-Perception Composite 90 Self Regard 74 Self-Actualization 101 Emotional Self-Awareness 104 Self Expression Composite 76 Emotional Expression 85 Assertiveness 81 Independence 78 Interpersonal Composite 100 Interpersonal Relationships 92 Empathy 110 Social Responsibility 97 Decision Making Composite 88 Problem Solving 96 Reality Testing 93 Impulse Control 83 Stress Management Composite 97 Flexibility 108 Stress Tolerance 97 Optimism 90 Source: BarOn EQ2.0 MSCEIT Results- Chart 1 The following chart is titled the MSCEIT scores chart. The MSCEIT assessment is designed to measure one’s emotional intelligence. The data on this chart was gathered from the MSCEIT report which contains the following information that are to be noted as very low, low, medium, high, and very high
Accounting Systems Financial Performance
Question: Discuss about the Accounting Systemsfor Financial Performance. Answer: Introduction:- The growth of any business firm is depended on the financial performance of the business over a particular period. The financial performances also help to ensure the continuity of the business operations. Therefore, it is very necessary to analyze the financial performances at the end of the certain period, i.e, monthly, quarterly or annually. Most of the advanced accounting software can provide necessary information, required for the financial analysis. Saasu also prepare and update such financial reports automatically with every financial transaction entry. In addition, the users can obtain many other reports from this software for measuring the performance in more effective manner (Khaneja, 2015). The report evaluates the financial performance of Streamline on the basis of the financial reports, prepared under Saasu software. It also includes various recommendations, which can improve the evaluation process and the financial performance of Streamline, as well. Analysis of Financial Performance:- The financial performance of Streamline can be evaluated in various forms. The most important aspect of any profit seeking organization is profit. Hence, the profitability ratios of Streamline for the month of February are computed below: Profitability Ratios:- Particulars Amount Total Revenue $41,337.10 Gross Profit $18,488.10 Net Profit $7,776.74 Owner's Contribution $60,000.00 Gross Profit Margin 44.73% Net Profit Margin 18.81% Return on Equity 12.96% The table depicts that Streamline has performed quite well in the period. It has converted almost 44.73% of its sales revenue into gross profit and turned 18.81% into net profit. The owner has been able to earn 12.96% return on the initial contribution. From general perspective, such performance is very satisfactory (Kaplan Atkinson, 2015). The other ratios, which can help Streamline to measure the efficiency level of its operation level, are calculated below: Efficiency Ratios:- Particulars Amount Total Revenue $41,337.10 Accounts Receivable $15,908.75 Cost of Sales $22,849.00 Inventory $8,867.00 Accounts Payable $26,400.00 Accounts Receivable Turnover Period 140.47 Inventory Turnover Period 141.65 Accounts Payable Turnover Period 303.82 Though the credit periods for accounts receivable and accounts payable are 30 days after sales and 30 days after the end of the month of purchase respectively, the average period for collecting credit sales and paying off credit purchases are 140.47 days and 303.82 respectively. The company uses to convert the inventories into sold products in 141.65 days approximately (DRURY, 2013). Strategies for Improvement in Operation:- Streamline has generated satisfactory profit margins in the current month. However, it can increase its profit margins and improve its efficiency level further by implementing the following strategies: The company should reduce the accounts receivable turnover period for increasing its cash inflows faster than the current scenario. It should convert its inventories into sold products more quickly than the present turnover period. The company should charge depreciation on its fixed assets. It will not only help the firm to increase the profit margins but also in accumulating the replacement costs of the fixed assets in future. As many of the creditors are paid before the due date, the company may ask for discount on the early payments. It can help the firm to earn more profits. The company may also maintain provisions for bad debts, so that, it can reduce the risk of any doubtful debts (Saunders Cornett, 2014). Conclusion:- Streamline has analyzed its financial performances on the basis of general financial reports. However, Saasu has many additional reporting facilities, which can be very beneficial for business decision-making. As Streamline uses Saasu software for recording its financial transactions, it may utilize the additional benefits of Saasu. The following reports, provided by Saasu, can be very helpful for Streamline: Aged Receivables Aged Payables Report: These reports can help the firm to estimate the cash inflows and cash outflows in the following period. The firm can determine in which cases, it has failed to collect or pay the dues within the due period. Forecasted Cash Flow: The forecasted cash flow can help the firm to determine the amount of cash revenues and cash expenses in the next period. Based on the forecast report, the company can take necessary business decisions accordingly (Hossack, 2015). BAS Summary: Bas summary is very effective for computing the tax expenses of the company based on the financial activities of a certain period (Schuh, 2014). Streamline can make its business decisions more effective by incorporating these reports along with the general financial statements. References:- DRURY, C. M. (2013).Management and cost accounting. Springer Hossack, S. (2015). Cloud-based accounting and productivity tools for practitioners and taxpayers.Taxation in Australia,50(5), 265 Kaplan, R. S., Atkinson, A. A. (2015).Advanced management accounting. PHI Learning Khaneja, S. (2015). E-Accounting in the Current Scenario: Impact of Information Technology.The International Journal of Business Management,3(9), 290 Saunders, A., Cornett, M. M. (2014).Financial institutions management. McGraw-Hill Education,. Schuh, G. (2014). ERP Enterprise Resource Planning. InCIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering(pp. 472-478). Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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